The Infogrid Blog

Join us as we take a closer look at the building intelligence and sustainability landscape – from ESG to IoT.

Blog Post Zoe Williams Blog Post Zoe Williams

The Future of Hospitality: 7 Hotels Leading the Sustainability Charge

In the ever-evolving hospitality industry, energy and sustainability have never been more critical. As environmental concerns grow and travelers become increasingly discerning and eco-conscious, hotel owners and operators must adapt in order to stay competitive, differentiate their services, and deliver an exceptional guest experience that aligns with shifting consumer preferences.

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Blog Post Zoe Williams Blog Post Zoe Williams

Cleaning Revolution: Using AI and Smart Technology to Power Up Commercial Cleaning

Commercial cleaning has never been more critical than in today's world, with health and safety at the forefront of everyone's minds. As businesses adapt to new standards and guidelines for hygiene and safety, the use of AI-powered smart technology that leverages occupancy sensors is emerging as a game-changer in the commercial cleaning industry. These solutions not only improve the efficiency of cleaning routines but also enhance the quality of the cleaning process.

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Blog Post Jonathan Bradford Blog Post Jonathan Bradford

Shaping the Future: Where Will Commercial Cleaning Technology Go Next?

Commercial buildings are dynamic ecosystems that come to life as we use them every day. However, this constant flux of usage creates ever-moving goalposts for those charged with cleaning and maintenance. In our current era of hybrid work, the way we occupy commercial spaces has been forever transformed, and the importance of hygiene, health, and sanitation is more urgent than ever.

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