Water safety and Legionella compliance: a new era for sustainable outcomes

One of the most important, but time-consuming statutory maintenance tasks that every UK building manager must undertake is a legionella management programme. Every building with a water system has a requirement to undertake a diligence regime to minimise the risk of stagnant water causing a large Legionella outbreak and subsequent risk to human life.

There are about 500-600 cases of Legionnaires’ disease each year in England and Wales with a mortality rate of about 1 in 10. The UK is at the forefront of managing legionella bacteria in water systems. The guidance outlines tasks that need to be carried out on a regular frequency, ranging from monthly to sometimes daily checks.

Join us for this discussion to learn about some of the historical challenges of Legionella management and to keep up-to-date on the latest processes and technology companies across the UK are adopting to automate their L8 and HSG274 part 2 monitoring. You will hear from industry experts and practitioners how switching from manual to automated testing has resulted in greater reliability, faster results, and more cost-efficient and sustainable outcomes.


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